Who am I?

Who am I? 

My name is Kerry Stott.  

We are always a mixture of many things. Trying to describe what we are is complex, messy, challenging, and difficult. I have been many things in my life. I will go on to do and be many things in the future. Currently though, I am qualified mental health nurse, I am an activist, I am a researcher, I am an educator, I am a student, I am a mother of a blended family, and I am a partner. 

I am also polyamorous, I am pan- sexual, I am adventurous, I’m kind, I’m curious, have ADHD, dyslexia, and dyscalculia, and I hate injustice. 

I have blogged on the internet many times, in many different guises. Sometimes under my own name, sometime under a pseudonym. I always find writing cathartic and it helps me order my thoughts. However, it is always at the point when my writing becomes successful that I start to feel overwhelmed, overburdened and I stopped writing. I have been called back to writing, back to blogging and I enter this next phase of me with some trepidation. I am currently completing a Masters in research and I am researching toxic shame and emotional flashbacks. What I didn’t expect that I would doing during this research was how much personal growth that I have had to go through. Only have 20,000 words to write my thesis, and this is not enough for what I want to say; indeed, need to say. So, this blog will be all of the things that I am learning through my research and my personal self-growth. I cannot and will not promise any writing consistency, any regular postings, I will post when I can and what I want to. In part this is a manifesto to myself to ensure that I don’t overcommit, which is something I am inclined to do. 

Any writing in this blog, it’s not attached to any NHS work that I do and is not affiliated to the NHS trust that I work for. All the thoughts and comments on my own and not reflection of my place of work. 

Is this going to be another self-indulgent blog? Probably. However, due to my neuro diversity, I tend to see things differently and I have been told that I write things from new perspectives. My hope is that you will find new perspectives in my writing and that in some small way it enriches your life. I also hope the challenges you, particularly the posts around race and gender. Either way, if you have made it this far thank you and I hope you enjoy the posts. 

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